Friday, May 23, 2014

Feather Texture

It was so wonderful sharing a meal with all of you last night. It was really helpful for me to remember WHY I love drawing everyday and to hear about everyone's drawing experience. I woke up this morning thinking about texture and wondered about all the many textures around me. I was reminded of this video that I made earlier this year. My pillows were falling apart so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to play with the feathers. I loved touching the feathers and I wanted to make a video that conveyed the pleasure of this feeling and the lightness of the feathers. I understand and appreciate texture through touch.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is so lovely in its pace and color michele. i could have lingered longer, longer watching the hand and feathers.

  3. This is so luscious and sensual and physical, Michelle. The texture of the feathers and the texture of your hand all convey your experience beautifully!
