Sunday, May 25, 2014

Part/ Whole

The prompt this week made me think of images as being part of a whole.  Also I was thinking of Andrea's drawing in class where she drew her repetition of tulips inside of grid, so I decided to draw some heads in a grid.  Then I thought of the drawings I posted yesterday and I decided to do one of those again. I really enjoy drawing with my non-dominant hand.  I enjoy the lack of control and the kind of line that it creates.  The unsteady, vulnerable hand that I can't control reminds me of the tenderness of being close and connected to  another.


  1. Your non-dominant hand drawings have such sweet character, and really convey the not knowing-ness of where the pencil will take you. I love their expressions. And getting to know you last week off the page!

  2. Great expression, Leni, "Off the page". I'm very taken with your boxed set. I love that the characters are looking at each other. It has a live quality, like the Brady Bunch.

    I find it curious that your figures are unclothed. Is that an equalizing gesture? Or a simplifying one? It speaks to me of vulnerability.
