Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fortune Teller- Shape of the Future


  1. I saw this hairstyle when I was searching for hair ideas on the internet. I wasn't really sure what she should say about the future or about fortune. For some reason I chose a chicken.

  2. i love this michele, the shapes of everything...dress pattern, earings, lips, eyes, hair, and that her mind is in her hairstyle! maybe thats how it is!!! my mind is all in my hairstyle...

    1. Does that mean that we can change our mind if we change our hairstyle??. Wow- that would be great....quicker than therapy and meditation. ; )

  3. Interesting fortune...Not sure how to interpret.
    Your chicken or your wife?
    Take my chicken, please.
    Is this still about nests?

  4. I like that you took the word shape - and created a drawing Shape of the Future. You took something abstract and made it concrete in a drawing that is funny, serious, and invites reflection as well.
